Thursday, October 6, 2011
Color Your Own Hair
Blond..James Blond
Chamomile tea can be use to enhance blond hair.Brew 5-10 bags with 3/4 cups of water. Let it cool naturally or if in a rush, you can add 4 ice cubes to cool it. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and place the mixture in a spray bottle. Spray on your hair evenly until all hairs are saturated. Cover hair in plastic wrap or plastic cap and let it sit for about 30-45minutes. For brighter results, use a heated towel and wrap around the head for about the same time.
Brunette for Fun
Dark color brunettes can use coffee.Coffee is a not just your simple cup of joe but also a great color enhancer. Using brewed coffe placed in a spray bottle, saturate your hair with the mixture and comb it until its evenly distributed. Leave on for about 20-30minutes. Repeat the process if you want to achieve darker result. Rinse well and shampoo. Use mild conditioner to lock in the color.
Bleed for Red
This is the easiest color to achieve. For an orangey, strawberry-blond, reddish mane, you can use carrot juice. Any carrot juice in a can is fine. Place it in a spray bottle, saturate your hair with the mixture and comb it until its evenly distributed. For a much deeper auburn red-tone manes, you can use beet. Do the same process with the spray. To ensure the vivid color, you can use heated towel and wrap around your head for almost 30mins then rinse off with mild shampoo then condition.
I do prefer home hair remedies because they are easily available for us. Its also practical to use and with lesser side effects compared to the chemically based hair dyes.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Breaking Up With Split Ends
Several concoctions are available over the net but here are a few of mine, I tweaked a bit so that it conforms to what I like.
Avocado Split - While hair is damp, mash a ripe avocado in a bowl. Leave on your scalp and hair for about 30-45mins then wash off with lukewarm water. If you do not have avocado (since they are only present in the store when its their season) you can use mayonnaise as a substitute.
Organic Hot Oil Treatment - for this I prefer lavender oil as a hot oil organic treatment. My base oil is lavender oil but you can use jojoba oil. Using aromatherapy by mixing 10 drops of either rosemary or sandalwood can also be done ( I prefer rosemary because of the relaxing smell overnight). Adding the mixture to base oil and rubbing it thoroughly into hair. Some people doesn't like leaving them overnight but I do that so that the oil can penetrate well into my hair follices. Just wash thoroughly with lukewarm water in the morning.
Egg Yolk Therapy - 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of almond oil are the simple ingredients for this. Mix well and apply on your scalp. Better use your fingertips to ensure that the mixture goes into your scalp. Let it sit for an hour and rinse. Wash thoroughly or the egg yolk residue might turn into debris that later on will cause dandruff.
The hair happens to be at its most vulnerable just af a shower, so avoid brushing it at this point instead use a wide tooth comb. Great looking hair can add a very emphatic amount of panache and elegance to almost any appearance. Go on say "goodbye" to split ends, its one relationship worth ending anytime. Hair care treatments need not to be expensive
Friday, February 18, 2011
Start Treatment Early With Toenail Fungus Treatments
One way to get rid of fungal infections is by using toenail fungus treatments that you can buy in stores. These usually come as creams or ointments that you can apply on your nails. By simply applying some of this on your nails twice a day, the infection should subside within a matter of weeks without having to deal with any complications.
Even though this method is the easiest, there are still other ways that you can try to get rid of the fungi if you cannot buy the nail cream right away. There are a lot of home remedies that have been tried and tested by a lot of people to work in preventing the growth of fungi.
One of the more famous home remedies that has been proven to work is by using tea tree oil. This works similarly to toenail fungus treatments bough in stores as you will need to coat the affected area for the fungi to be eliminated. Other substances that you can try are mouthwash and Vicks vaporrub as well.
With home remedies, you can use materials that are readily available at home. The only problem with this is that it may be less effective than the creams being sold so you may need to use a lot of these substances before the infection will subside. It will also take a much longer time before the fungus is completely eradicated from the skin.
Whether you choose the treatments being sold in stores or use home remedies, it is best to start the treatment at once to prevent the growth of these fungi. Waiting for the infection to get worse will only lead to complications such as having weak and brittle nails, as well as having to deal with the foul smell that comes with fungal infections.
Serious complications will have to be checked by the doctor as regular home remedies and treatments will not suffice. You may have to deal with the fungus entering your body so the doctor might prescribe very strong and specific drugs to combat this infection.
Toenail fungus infections are very easy infections to treat as long as you take immediate action in getting rid of them. If you wait until the infection becomes worse, it would be much harder to get rid of them and you may have to spend a lot more money just to prevent it from doing even more harm to your body.
Most of her free time during weekends are spent searching for Toenail Fungus Treatment Cure. It would be really troublesome to continue living with a toenail fungus. She really needs toenail fungus remedies.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Organic Body Wash for You

There are so many products out there that you can use as for body wash such as shampoos and soaps. But the trouble with those commercialized and famous brands of body wash is that they contain different chemicals that can be dangerous to our health, since we use body wash daily in our lives. According to certain people, more than 10,000 substances and chemicals are found in personal care products but only 13 percent of them are considered perfectly safe for daily use.
The federal or state government can only have little or no regulatory control over the production of such products that is why we will never know for sure if a certain product contains excessive amounts of dangerous chemicals. Good thing that there is an alternative to these chemical based products. And this alternative may in fact, be a better choice. Organic body washes are now available for your daily use. These products are completely natural and are safer for daily use.
But a person must be wary of some products that claim they are “natural”, always check the label and see if the product has only organic ingredients. Only if a product is 100% organic then it can be considered natural or organic.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Simple Understanding of Organic Skincare

Of course no one in their right mind would do such a thing. When the products are certified organic, they have to meet the strict requirements by the certifying body and should be very safe for the consumer. Certified organic skincare products are made from ingredients you can understand and read such as calendula oil and safflower oil not five syllable words that doesn’t mean a thing to you. This ensure that you actually know what you are putting on your skin rather than just hoping it will work because of the hype that the company claims it should.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Organic Skincare: Price and Compromise
Taking time to do so ensure that you are getting a “real deal” takes time and some research to boot.
Certified organic skincare products aren’t always cheap. In fact, many people may not even afford them. Natural products are an alternative if it’s not affordable enough for you but yet you still want what’s best for your skin and the environment.
Alternative products which claim to have not been tested to animals or cruelty free can also be your other choice. They could still be better for the environment and of course for your skin in the long term
Organic Skincare: The Benefits For Lifetime

Natural skincare products perform as well or better than synthetic skincare products. They are far less likely to irritate skin, and they do no come with harmful side effects and dangerous long-term physical risks.